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- Rosemary
The use of Rosemary and Rosemary Oil dates back to the ancient Roman Empire. It was correctly believed that rosemary oil can benefit and strengthen the entire body. Today, rosemary oil is widely used in aroma therapy, homeopathy and the culinary fields. It is used for its digestive properties, since it stimulates appetite, fights constipation, bloating and cramps, detoxifies the liver and is particularly helpful when added to meat dishes, since it helps digest meat better. Orally, it can be swooshed in the mouth as a mouth wash and helps fight bad breath. It is often used in hair care products, it stimulates the scalp (especially beneficial for itchy, dry scalps), hair growth, it also is believed to slow down premature hair loss and graying. This essential oil is a great mental and nerve tonic, it boosts concentration and helps depression and forgetfulness. You can recharge your mental energy levels simply by inhaling rosemary oil. It is proven to lower the levels of cortisol in the body, making it a great stress reliever. Regular inhalation betters the immune system. Since it is an excellent pain reliever, rosemary oil is used for muscle aches, aches from sprains and joint pain, headaches, rheumatism and arthritis.
· Increases concentration, mental and brain activity, antidepressant
· Fights stress
· Pain relief remedy
· Digestive properties
· Hair, skin and oral benefits
· Immune system booster
Interesting fact: The Romans used rosemary in various of their ceremonies, weddings, medicinal herbal care, food, and cosmetics; the Egyptians used it as incense.