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- Juniper Berry
Juniper Berry
This oil is extracted from fresh or dried berries and needles of its plant, Juniperus osteosperma and J. scopulorus. Juniper oil is considered a tonic, it tones up various systems in your body as well as muscles, skin, tissues. This tonic keeps you energetic and youthful, helping you maintain good health. It improves blood circulation and therefore it is used on skin, after applying to the skin and face, it makes them appear red, due to the sped up circulation right underneath the skin. It’s a great way to refresh and brighten your whole body, however, caution is required so one doesn’t overapply and cause irritation. Because of such properties, the oil is used to give relief from rheumatism and arthritis. It is a great remedy for toothaches, as well as hair loss. Juniper works wonders on any type of spasms and cramps: muscular, respiratory, etc. In the past, the oil was used to treat wounds, preventing them from becoming septic or developing tetanus, it has great antiseptic benefits. The oil has detoxification properties and helps get rid of excessive gas and bloating, as well as heartburn, since it aids digestion. It also aids and promotes urination. A great remedy when fighting fatigue, and it also serves as an immune booster. Among other more spiritual and emotional benefits are: it gives emotional support, reducing the signs of stress, anxiety remedy, spiritual healing ( particularly facing one’s fears, overcoming nightmares).
Interesting fact: Did you know Juniper oil is used to flavor alcoholic beverages, particularly gin?